Art Deco – Ottawa – Part 1
Art Deco! My favourite architecture style! OK an all round favourite.
Partly inspired by the 1922 discovery of King Tut. It got its name from Arts Décoratifs, from the Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes held in Paris in 1925.
Characterized by typically decorated buildings. Bas- reliefs, geometric designs, favouring the half circles and the chevrons as well as stylized flowers. It represented luxury and glamour.
Though it appeared before World War I in 1903-04 – it became more popular in the 20s. Oddly enough there are details on the Eiffel Tower built in in 1887 that are SO Art Deco! After the depression it became more subdued and finally lost it’s strength after World War II.
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