Wider sidewalks, automobile and bicycle shared lanes, and reduced parking, that is what is being proposed for Elgin Street. When the changes started on Main Street some residents were concerned. The intent was to reduce the traffic and create more of a neighbourhood feel. Driving through Old Ottawa East does take a little bit longer but it feels nice. The Glebe is well loved and yet in the middle of it is Bank Street which gets very busy at times. It’s the one place I don’t mind being stuck in a traffic jam as there’s so much to see it gives you more time to take it in.
But as the population of Ottawa grows and intensification brings more people to the core is reducing access a good plan. Ultimately we should be walking more, cycling more. I live in the eastern end of Sandy Hill and can certainly bike to Elgin Street (and do occasionally) but with the chaos that are changes to the lanes on Laurier and the thought of 2 or 3 accidents on the new bike lanes on O’Connor I get a bit scared. I’m just not how the relationship between cars and cyclists is evolving.
What is the City doing right? What is it doing wrong?