Architect – Kiyonori Kikutake
Last week, via Kisho Kurokawa, we were introduced to the Metabolist Movement. Today we explore Kiyonori Kukutake who with Kurokawa was one of the founders of that movement.
Kiyonori Kikutake (1928-2011) was a Japanese architect. He was on of the founders of the Japanese Metabolist Group. Born in Kurume, Japan, he studied at Waseda University. Along with his colleague he was invited to participate in the exhibition Visionary Architecture in 1961. He was the President of the Japan Institude of Architects.
Sky House
1958, Tokyo
Tatebayashi Civic Centre
1963, Gumma
Administrative Building of Izumo Shrine
1963, Shimane
Pacific Hotel Chigasaki
1966, Kanagawa
Miyakonojo Civic Hall
1966, Miyazaki
Expo Tower, Expo ’70
1969, Osaka
Matsumi Tower
1976, Ibaraki
Tanabe Art Museum
1979, Shimane
Hotel Seiyo Ginza
1987, Tokyo
Edo Tokyo Museum
1993, Tokyo
Hotel Sofitel
1994, Tokyo
Kitaya Inari Shrine
1997, Tokyo
Shimane Art Museum
1999, Shimane
National Showa Memorial Museum
1999, Tokyo
Kyushu National Museum
2005, Fukuoka