Old Train Station
The former train station is undergoing major renovations. It is in a very central location and to have a building that looks ho hum on some sides in such a location is quite sad. I understand they are restoring, in fact excavating the original features of the interior which is based on Pennsylvania Station in NYC. Interior renovations from the 70s were not a good thing: gilding, stain-glass, wrought iron, was all whitewashed into blandness. I see were doing the grey box at the top – must be an architects way of doing a shape that is to be interpreted as this is not here. Sort of like at the Museum of Nature.
Going from a train station to conference centre sometime in the 70s the building did lose some of it’s look. The east facade though with a great staircase (I miss it) was rather uninspired.
I think I like this! The only thing that is too bad is that this will not ultimately be a stop for the light rail. Would that not have been fun. Here’s hoping it all turns out well and the Senators are happy with the temporary home.